What Others Say
The major world problems and disasters can be eradicated if we ensure our youths and children get education opportunities. The many empowering programs offered by Humanitarian Affairs is a hallmark that provides an avenue for our youth to manage challenges and solve problems that come their way.
can be achieved both at the community level and the international levels.
This opportunity empowers the young generation to be responsible and create a sustainable environment through social, humanitarian and environmental activities. The resultant interactions have the potential to create new ideas and strategies that will set platforms for development of humanitarian initiatives globally.
It is therefore with great pleasure that Humanitarian Affairs receives appreciation from World Leaders for our commitment to educate our emerging leaders to make positive changes in the world.
What Others Say About Us
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Prime Minister
There is still hope for the somewhat derailed world to get back on track and give humanity a chance, especially through events such as the USLS. I commend Humanitarian Affairs Asia for initiating the USLS and hosting this important event in Malaysia.
Vivian Tan
UNHCR Regional Office for South-East Asia
I had the honour of representing UNHCR’s Regional Office for South-East Asia as the keynote speaker at the 7th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Symposium offered a unique platform to discuss one of the biggest humanitarian challenges facing the world today – forced displacement – with the bright young minds who are best placed to make a difference.
With some 700 participants from around the world, the discussions were refreshingly diverse and covered a wide range of issues. Scholars spoke of the need to end conflicts that are forcing people to flee their homes, and the need for countries to do more to share responsibility for hosting refugees. Many wondered how to change negative attitudes towards refugees, and how to help them back on their feet so that they can contribute to their host and home communities.
I was inspired by the openness of the dialogue, the solidarity towards some of the most vulnerable people on earth, and the innovative ideas towards finding solutions.
Kudos to Humanitarian Affairs Asia for organizing this important annual event. It doesn’t just shine a light for tomorrow’s leaders, it also gives a voice for the voiceless in forgotten crises around the world.
Br. Armin A. Luistro
Secretary of Education.
Government of the Philippines
The youth, as future movers of the nation, should engage in social activities that would make them realise their roles as agents of change in the world. By doing so, we need platforms that would make them passionate about positive social changes.
In this light, the Department of Education, Philippines commends the Humanitarian Affairs Asia for initiating the University Scholars Leadership Symposium. This symposium becomes an avenue to hone young minds with leadership skills and to kindle their passion in them for serving the country. We laud the efforts of Humanitarian Affairs Asia is giving the leaders of the next generation the opportunity to look for the change they want to see in the world.
Furthermore, leadership summits do not only hone the individual talents of students in management. The capacity to work with others, and to recognise the talents of their members is also a vital skill in becoming a leader. An effective leader should be aware that change does not only happen in his / her hands but with the concerted efforts of everyone.
I congratulate Humanitarian Affairs Asia for this excellent initiative and for creating a platform for our leaders to acquire new skills.
El-Mostafa Benlamlih
UN Resident Coordinator
United Nations, Indonesia
Transforming youth into responsible and capable leaders is a task that holds high importance. The youth leaders of the next generation should be capable of thinking beyond themselves and reaching out to the less fortunate.
Organisations should aim to transform the mindset of today’s youth so that they realize the importance of personal development and can lead with compassion in the future. These attributes will enable them to thrive in the modern workplace and society.
Humanitarian Affairs Asia aims to transform youth from being merely academically inclined to young leaders equipped with the abilities to make pragmatic and responsible decisions. Through its various programs and activities designed especially for youth leaders, the organisation helps them to cultivate a sense of social responsibility that builds positive character.
It is of high importance that the youth leaders of this generation take upon themselves the responsibility, devotion, and discipline to lead the world in a better direction. I commend Humanitarian Affairs Asia for nurturing our future generation of leaders.
Praveen Agrawal
Country Director
World Food Program, Philippines
I would like to commend Humanitarian Affairs for taking an interest in nurturing our future leaders as compassionate global citizens by organising such a wonderful symposium on leadership in social change. This Symposium was what the UN is all about and what humanity should be all about – making a difference in the lives of people.
I hoped all the delegates will return to their respective countries richer in experience, and excited to bring about positive change with all the learning and ideas from this great event.
Itthipol Kunplome
Minister of Culture
Kingdom of Thailand
I am pleased that Humanitarian Affairs Asia organises up-scale events like the University Scholars Leadership Symposium where they bring together young leaders from all over the world to fight for a cause. I think this is an inspiring concept that can be seen as a stepping stone to becoming future leaders of tomorrow.
It has truly warmed my heart that the organisation also connects their delegates to our local community through their service-learning programs. The delegates are able to have a deeper insight into the underprivileged society here in our city.
To see young people coming from all over the world with different nationalities, religions, languages, cultures, and traditions, create a special bond with one another; to offer their love, care and affection to complete strangers who are in need, I believe, is an uplifting experience and is the kindest gesture of humankind.
I give my full trust, support and confidence in Humanitarian Affairs Asia’s ability to draw more smiles from those who have known nothing but poverty their whole life.
S. Ananthakrishnan
Chief, Partners and Youth Section
Humanitarian Affairs is an organisation whose mission is to provide youths with the opportunity to engage in humanitarian service, strengthen their awareness of diverse cultures, and develop a lifelong commitment to helping others by participating in relief efforts to benefit impoverished communities worldwide.
The Organisation has gained worldwide acclaim for its work with the Global Poor and its ability to mobilise resources to provide sustainable development projects for those in need. UN-Habitat is proud to partner with Humanitarian Affairs Asia as it aims to alleviate poverty in urban development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Dr Hang Chuon Naron
Minister of Education, Youth, and Sport
Kingdom of Cambodia
Education is the most critical tool to eradicate poverty both individually and collectively. Therefore, the world needs its young people to be nurtured. The Humanitarian Affairs Asia – University Scholars Leadership Symposium is the perfect place for college students to experience a poverty-stricken community and start conversations on how to mitigate the pain and suffering of their fellow human beings.
Samdech Hun Sen
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Cambodia
I believe that Humanitarian Affairs Asia will serve as another platform to engage the young generation in social, humanitarian, and environmental activities, contributing to sustainable and responsible development globally.
I firmly believe the programs offered by the Organisation will provide an excellent opportunity for all young persons to integrate new ideas, exchange experiences, and establish key strategies and platforms for the development of humanitarian initiatives and volunteer activities for the sake of sustainable, responsible, and inclusive development
Mr Eddie Ng Hak-Kim
Secretary of Education
Government of Hong Kong
The University Scholars Leadership Symposium is an excellent platform for emerging global leaders to learn and explore new ways of providing sustainable solutions to world problems. I commend Humanitarian Affairs Asia for the excellent work to nurture our next generation of leaders.
Assistant Director-General
Education must equip young people with a new set of skills and competencies for life and work that will allow them to be active citizens in a connected and constantly changing world. Education for the future should train learners to be innovative, adapt to and assimilate change, and continue learning.
It’s no longer enough to learn facts and figures – graduates today need to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, collaborators, communicators, creative types, flexible and adaptable. Moreover, learning should take place throughout life, given that learners need to continue to master entirely new skills throughout life.
Thus, I commend Humanitarian Affairs Asia for organising the University Scholars Leadership Symposium to provide a transformative experience for our young leaders.
Mr Haoliang Xu
Assistant Secretary-General
United Nations Development Programme
Humanitarian Affairs has created such a wonderful platform for you to gather together to discuss leadership, discuss your own actions, and deal with humanitarian and development challenges that the world faces. So I think it is really a wonderful opportunity to have. I remember when I was young, I aspired to do something important, something that is unknown; but I didn’t have opportunities of this kind.
I really encourage you to treasure this opportunity and to make the best use of it. The world is facing a lot of humanitarian and development challenges. I hope that you will put what you do in the context of the development agenda for the next 15 years and really think about your role in the future development discourse. Be an active participant in the Development of Discourse in the future.
Kamal Malhotra
UN Resident Coordinator
United Nations, Malaysia
Profound global changes increase needs and vulnerability and shape the humanitarian landscape in new ways. For example, climate change increases the frequency and intensity of natural hazards, particularly floods, storms, and droughts; we are facing and I challenge you to think out of the box on how we can prevent disasters and strengthen national and local capacities to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian assistance from international agencies.
We should all aspire to make this world better. Therefore, I want to commend Humanitarian Affairs Asia for helping build sustainable dreams and providing our young people with greater awareness of world issues.
Etienne Clement
Deputy Director
UNESCO, Bangkok
When I read through the University Scholars Leadership Symposium program, I must say that I was extremely fascinated. What you have experienced with Humanitarian Affairs, I have personally also experienced when I started to do humanitarian work. So did my colleagues in UNESCO and the UN who are working in this field.
I would like to congratulate Humanitarian Affairs for doing a tremendous job to nurture our future generation of young leaders. I am convinced that youths will benefit significantly from the programs offered by Humanitarian Affairs Asia.
My best wishes to Humanitarian Affairs Asia for the challenging yet very rewarding work you are doing. I wish the Organisation success in all your future endeavours.
Pratibha Mehta
UN Resident Coordinator
United Nations, Vietnam
I want to take this opportunity to thank Humanitarian Affairs Asia for organising this important symposium.
During the course of my work, I have met so many young social entrepreneurs who want to go beyond the goal of just making money – also to generate social value, reach out to the less fortunate, and attain a quality of life not just for themselves but also for the people around them. And I am glad to see so many enthusiastic young people who want to make a difference in our world today at the University Scholars Leadership Symposium.
I hope that during this conference, you will be inspired with new ideas, you will inspire each other and inspire us to act, create and innovate to make a positive difference in the world.